Experience the profound healing benefits of ancient Ayurvedic treatments that rejuvenate your body and restore balance to your entire being.
Abhyanga – Four-hand Massage
Full body – Two therapists, 60 minutes
Abhyanga is a traditional Ayurvedic four-hand massage performed by two well-trained therapists applying warm herb-infused oil to the body. This soothing treatment enhances lymphatic drainage, balances bioenergies, and induces a tranquil state of relaxation and full-body rejuvenation.
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Chakra Dhara – Full Body Massage & Oil Therapy
Full body & soul – 2 hours 30 minutes
Delicately dripping medicated herbal oil onto essential chakra points, Chakra Dhara balances energy flow and releases physical and emotional blockages. Our therapists skillfully treat your body with an array of repetitive and slow movements creating a profound sense of renewal as your energy centers align.
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Shirodhara – Upper Body Massage & Oil Therapy
Head and neck – 45 minutes
Shirodhara is a practice embraced by Indian yogis for heightened self-awareness. Warm herbal oil is delicately poured onto the forehead, creating a serene equilibrium between the mind and nervous system. Experience deep relaxation to relieve insomnia and deep-seated stress.
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Thalapothichil – Crown Massage
Head & shoulders – 45 minutes
Therapists massage warm herbal oil onto your head and upper body in a soothing, rhythmic motion, releasing tension. A deeply nourishing Hibiscus Leaf mask is applied to your hair, the head is then wrapped in a Banana Leaf crown while it works its magic.
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Pada Abhyanga – Ayurvedic Foot Massage
Feet & lower legs – 45 minutes
Pada Abhyanga is a therapeutic foot massage targeting energy points to relieve stress and pain. Harmonizing the nervous system, this treatment fosters a grounded sense of self, benefits the sense organs, and alleviates headaches. A rejuvenating experience for overall well-being.
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Udvartanam – Powder Massage
Full body – Two therapists, 60 minutes
In this treatment, the whole body is massaged with medicated powder. The treatment stimulates energy flow in the body, detoxifies and nourishes the tissues, and activates the skin’s natural metabolism. It helps to reduce cellulite and cleanses and refines the skin structure, giving the skin a lustrous glow.
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Avagaham – Massage + Herbal Bath
Full body – Two therapists, 60 minutes
Following a 30-minute Abhyanga massage, your massage continues as you soak in therapeutic herbal water in a copper bathtub. Therapists massage you while continuously pouring warm medicated water over your body. After the massage, there is time to luxuriate in this healing bath. This treatment relieves muscle, back, and hip pain, while aiding gynecologic issues.
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Choorna Pinda Sweda – Herbal Poultice Massage
Full body – Two therapists, 60 minutes
A rejuvenating Poultice Massage treats the entire body with Choornam (medicated powder) poultice. This unique treatment induces therapeutic sweating that promotes fat liquefaction to make you feel lighter. Beyond relieving body aches, it strengthens muscles and reduces joint inflammation.
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Jambeera Pinda Sweda – Lemon Poultice Massage
Full body – Two therapists, 60 minutes
Herbal poultices, filled with antioxidant-rich Jambeera (Lemon) are warmed in soothing oil and are gently massaged over muscles and joints. This healing treatment relieves pain, inflammation, and tension while enhancing flexibility. Ideal for conditions like rheumatoid arthritis and muscular spasms.
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Local Abhyanga – Upper Body Massage
Neck, Shoulders, and Back Massage – 45 minutes
Experience the therapeutic benefits of Local Abhyanga—an Ayurvedic massage that focuses on the neck, shoulders, and back. This targeted treatment relieves tension build-up and pain in the upper body—the ideal treatment for anyone who spends too much time at their computers.
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Janu Vasti – Knee Pain Relief
Knee – 45 minutes
Warm medicated oil is continuously poured into a Chickpea dough ring placed on the knees. Medicated oil penetrates the knee joints, eliminating toxins and relieving stiffness and pain. This targeted healing treatment also promotes improved blood circulation and enhanced joint flexibility.
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Kati Vasti – Lower-back Pain Relief
Lower back – 45 minutes
Warm herbal oil is retained in a Chickpea dough ring on the lower back. This therapy offers relief from tension headaches, cervical spondylosis, pain, and conditions like osteoporosis, strains, and sprains. Kati Vasti enhances joint flexibility, improves circulation, and supports overall spinal health.
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Ayurvedic Facial
Face and neck – 60 minutes
Our therapists gently cleanse and exfoliate your skin using a classic blend of antioxidant-rich herbs. A soothing Marma point massage calms you, before steam deeply purifies your pores. This facial revives skin texture, restores elasticity to prevent aging and gives you a radiant glow.
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